It should be as like the breast-milk as possible. This is obtained by a mixture of cow's milk, water, and sugar, in the following proportions. 

Fresh cow's milk, two thirds; Boiling water, or thin barley water, one third; Loaf sugar, a sufficient quantity to sweeten. 

This is the best diet that can be used for the first six months, after which some farinaceous food may be combined. 

In early infancy, mothers are too much in the habit of giving thick gruel, panada, biscuit-powder, and such matters, thinking that a diet of a lighter kind will not nourish. This is a mistake; for these preparations are much too solid; they overload the stomach, and cause indigestion, flatulence, and griping. These create a necessity for purgative medicines and carminatives, which again weaken digestion, and, by unnatural irritation, perpetuate the evils which render them necessary. Thus many infants are kept in a continual round of repletion, indigestion, and purging, with the administration of cordials and narcotics, who, if their diet were in quantity and quality suited to their digestive powers, would need no aid from physic or physicians. 

In preparing this diet, it is highly important to obtain pure milk, not previously skimmed, or mixed with water; and in warm weather just taken from the cow. It should not be mixed with the water or sugar until wanted, and not more made than will be taken by the child at the time, for it must be prepared fresh at every meal. It is best not to heat the milk over the fire, but let the water be in a boiling state when mixed with it, and thus given to the infant tepid or lukewarm. 

As the infant advances in age, the proportion of milk may be gradually increased; this is necessary after the second month, when three parts of milk to one of water may be allowed. But there must be no change in the kind of diet if the health of the child is good, and its appearance perceptibly improving. Nothing is more absurd than the notion, that in early life children require a variety of food; only one kind of food is prepared by nature, and it is impossible to transgress this law without marked injury. 

There are two ways by the spoon, and by the nursing-bottle. The first ought never to be employed at this period, inasmuch as the power of digestion in infants is very weak, and their food is designed by nature to be taken very slowly into the stomach, being procured from the breast by the act of sucking, in which act a great quantity of saliva is secreted, and being poured into the mouth, mixes with the milk, and is swallowed with it. This process of nature, then, should be emulated as far as possible; and food (for this purpose) should be imbibed by suction from a nursing-bottle: it is thus obtained slowly, and the suction employed secures the mixture of a due quantity of saliva, which has a highly important influence on digestion. Whatever kind of bottle or teat is used, however, it must never be forgotten that cleanliness is absolutely essential to the success of this plan of rearing children. 

 Te quantity of food to be given at each meal ust be regulated by the age of the child, and its digestive power. A little experience will soon enable a careful and observing mother to determine this point. As the child grows older the quantity of course must be increased. 

The chief error in rearing the young is overfeeding; and a most serious one it is; but which may be easily avoided by the parent pursuing a systematic plan with regard to the hours of feeding, and then only yielding to the indications of appetite, and administering the food slowly, in small quantities at a time. This is the only way effectually to prevent indigestion, and bowel complaints, and the irritable condition of the nervous system, so common in infancy, and secure to the infant healthy nutrition, and consequent strength of constitution. As has been well observed, "Nature never intended the infant's stomach to be converted into a receptacle for laxatives, carminatives, antacids, stimulants, and astringents; and when these become necessary, we may rest assured that there is something faulty in our management, however perfect it may seem to ourselves." 

 The frequency of giving food must be determined, as a general rule, by allowing such an interval between each meal as will insure the digestion of the previous quantity; and this may be fixed at about every three or four hours. If this rule be departed from, and the child receives a fresh supply of food every hour or so, time will not be given for the digestion of the previous quantity, and as a consequence of this process being interrupted, the food passing on into the bowel undigested, will there ferment and become sour, will inevitably produce cholic and purging, and in no way contribute to the nourishment of the child. 

 The posture of the child when fed:- It is important to attend to this. It must not receive its meals lying; the head should be raised on the nurse's arm, the most natural position, and one in which there will be no danger of the food going the wrong way, as it is called. After each meal the little one should be put into its cot, or repose on its mother's knee, for at least half an hour. This is essential for the process of digestion, as exercise is important at other times for the promotion of health. 

 As soon as the child has got any teeth, and about this period one or two will make their appearance, solid farinaceous matter boiled in water, beaten through a sieve, and mixed with a small quantity of milk, may be employed. Or tops and bottoms, steeped in hot water, with the addition of fresh milk and loaf sugar to sweeten. And the child may now, for the first time, be fed with a spoon. 

When one or two of the large grinding teeth have appeared, the same food may be continued, but need not be passed through a sieve. Beef tea and chicken broth may occasionally be added; and, as an introduction to the use of a more completely animal diet, a portion, now and then, of a soft boiled egg; by and by a small bread pudding, made with one egg in it, may be taken as the dinner meal. 

Nothing is more common than for parents during this period to give their children animal food. This is a great error. "To feed an infant with animal food before it has teeth proper for masticating it, shows a total disregard to the plain indications of nature, in withholding such teeth till the system requires their assistance to masticate solid food. And the method of grating and pounding meat, as a substitute for chewing, may be well suited to the toothless octogenarian, whose stomach is capable of digesting it; but the stomach of a young child is not adapted to the digestion of such food, and will be disordered by it. 

 It cannot reasonably be maintained that a child's mouth without teeth, and that of an adult, furnished with the teeth of carnivorous and graminivorous animals, are designed by the Creator for the same sort of food. If the mastication of solid food, whether animal or vegetable, and a due admixture of saliva, be necessary for digestion, then solid food cannot be proper, when there is no power of mastication. If it is swallowed in large masses it cannot be masticated at all, and will have but a small chance of being digested; and in an undigested state it will prove injurious to the stomach and to the other organs concerned in digestion, by forming unnatural compounds. The practice of giving solid food to a toothless child, is not less absurd, than to expect corn to be ground where there is no apparatus for grinding it. That which would be considered as an evidence of idiotism or insanity in the last instance, is defended and practised in the former. If, on the other hand, to obviate this evil, the solid matter, whether animal or vegetable, be previously broken into small masses, the infant will instantly swallow it, but it will be unmixed with saliva. Yet in every day's observation it will be seen, that children are so fed in their most tender age; and it is not wonderful that present evils are by this means produced, and the foundation laid for future disease." 

 The diet pointed out, then, is to be continued until the second year. Great care, however, is necessary in its management; for this period of infancy is ushered in by the process of teething, which is commonly connected with more or less of disorder of the system. Any error, therefore, in diet or regimen is now to be most carefully avoided. 'Tis true that the infant, who is of a sound and healthy constitution, in whom, therefore, the powers of life are energetic, and who up to this time has been nursed upon the breast of its parent, and now commences an artificial diet for the first time, disorder is scarcely perceptible, unless from the operation of very efficient causes. Not so, however, with the child who from the first hour of its birth has been nourished upon artificial food. Teething under such circumstances is always attended with more or less of disturbance of the frame, and disease of the most dangerous character but too frequently ensues. It is at this age, too, that all infectious and eruptive fevers are most prevalent; worms often begin to form, and diarrhoea, thrush, rickets, cutaneous eruptions, etc. manifest themselves, and the foundation of strumous disease is originated or developed. A judicious management of diet will prevent some of these complaints, and mitigate the violence of others when they occur. 

Have you ever thought of how you’re able to remember names, things and faces? How about thinking about the way your memory works? Maybe you have but some of you have not thought about it all. How about this, picture how you’re able to recognize some information easily while the rest just wont sink in at all.

There are times when our memory won’t work on the right places when we need them to work. It is just downright frustrating. And yes, our memory lets us down for many i...

memory techniques,improve memory,memory improvement techniques

Article Body:
Have you ever thought of how you’re able to remember names, things and faces? How about thinking about the way your memory works? Maybe you have but some of you have not thought about it all. How about this, picture how you’re able to recognize some information easily while the rest just wont sink in at all.

There are times when our memory won’t work on the right places when we need them to work. It is just downright frustrating. And yes, our memory lets us down for many instances in a year and we don’t even know why it happens. The truth is, our brain doesn’t have any problem in picking up and storing as many information as it can along the way. The problem comes in the retrieving part – when we need to take a thought from our mind and say it out loud or write it down for some purpose.

What we fail to do however, is to realize that for each memory we create, at the very moment our mind sinks the information in, we do not take the time to study what it is, or to observe its characteristics. We then blame our memory for failing us. The answer to this is to give our full attention to every little detail that comes our way or make that every bit of sight, sound, smell, texture and taste that we encounter. It works perfect since when we absorb the thought to our memory, we have all the details we need and in turn, when we retrieve the same information, we have the complete details. Problem solved? Almost.

In memorization, there are techniques which we can use to help us enhance our thinking skills. It’s also the ideal way how to exercise our minds in absorbing and memorizing information.

If you need to memorize numbers for example, try grouping them together to numbers you’re familiar with. Let’s say the numbers 7 1 0 3 8 4 5 6 2 4 need your immediate memorization. Group them together like this: 78014 365 24 where 78014 is a zip code in TX, 365 is the number of days in a year and 24 the number of hours in a day. Try a different sequence of numbers and clump them together. You’ll see how easy this works for you, and for everybody else.

Learn more about memory improvement techniques by visiting

Purchasing new car is hard enough without having to deal with the sales pressure from a car salesman. It's no big secret that almost every car dealer can be talked down on the initial price thay want for a car.

buy new car, buy car, car

Article Body:
Purchasing new car is hard enough without having to deal with the sales pressure from a car salesman. It's no big secret that almost every car dealer can be talked down on the initial price thay want for a car.

So if you decide to buy new car, we'll help you determine what kind of cars is right for you and how best to negotiate a car purchase. Before you head out to the car showrooms with your checkbook in hand, evaluate your reasons for buying a new car. Find out the base price of each car you are interested in. The more you know about the actual cost of, the less you will have pay for it.

Before entering the dealership
Before you step foot on a dealership lot, there are several things you need to think about, including what type of vehicle you can afford, what type of car is right for you, whether you should lease or buy, and what your credit history consists of.
Once you decide on type of car you need it is time to do your research to narrow down the choices. A number resources on this site can provide you comparison information rating the vehicles within specific categories. Compare such areas as safety, reliability, fuel economy, warranties, operating costs, theft rates, general features, and options when making you decision.
Getting ready to buy new car
Do your homework first and make much wiser decision before you buy new car. To determine ahead how much negotiating room you have on basic cars and extra options, draw up awork sheet for each type of new car you considering. Using updated price lists available from above sites, write down the dealer's cost and list price, for the particular make, model and trim line.
For each car, list the options you want, describing them with the invoice number. Also before you decided to buy new car, write down the dealer's cost and the list price. Look up the destination charges for that car, and include this in both the dealer's cost and the list price, since there is no murkup. The destination charge is the cost the dealer pays to get the new car to the dealership.
Now compare the dealer's cost and the list price for that car. The difference is your negotiating room. Do the same thing with each of the options. You may be able to negotiate on individual options before you buy new car.

No matter what age a golfer is, they are likely looking for the most deeply discounted priced equipment. For the most part, this is because golf is considered a luxury to most and while everyone wants the best equipment available, many people cannot afford to purchase these items at inflated prices. As a result, many people will try to find a specific type of superior quality golfing equipment, and then they will purchase the item from the cheapest place that they can find it.

They are ensured quality, and they are also able to pay a low amount for the same items that many people end up paying much more for owning. However, there is one group in particular that typically needs to seek out discounted golf equipments. Juvenile individuals that are looking for Junior cheap golf equipment typically have to do so because they are just beginning to get interested in the game, and they are not sure if it is going to be a temporary or a long term investment opportunity for them. They will investigate Junior cheap golf equipment because children or youths are going to be looking for quality items, but at a cheaper price in order to be able to afford the items that they want to purchase. Many youths do not have jobs, but sometimes they have an allowance. Some individuals that are looking at Junior cheap golf equipment will have a parent offer to purchase the items for them, but others will not. They might have to pay for their junior cheap golf equipment on their own. As a result, they can only afford something for which they have the money. This will typically limit them.

Looking at junior cheap golf equipment on the internet is a good idea because many people are able to find competitive prices. There are online auctions, competitive retail stores and online pennysaver ads from which an individual can search for junior cheap golf equipment. In many cases this is more cost effective than going to the sporting goods store and purchasing an item there, whose price has been inflated in order to pay the stocking fee and the portion of employees’ salaries that are necessitated by the store.

It also allows for the individual to research the goods that they are considering purchasing in order to help make sure that the individual is purchasing the best junior cheap golf equipment for them. While on the internet, using it to find the type of junior cheap golf equipment that they are looking for, it is very easy to do background searches and information scans about particular manufacturers and items that may be needed. In addition, it can help to read reviews about different types of junior cheap golf equipment in order to inform the individual about the items that they are looking into owning. This will allow the individual to make an informed decision that will benefit them whether they go on to enjoy golf for the rest of their lives, or they end up only playing for fun every once in a while.

There are many common health problems that your Golden Retriever will experience from time to time. Most of these ailments are nothing serious, providing you know how they should be treated and prevented. Below, we will take a look at the most common ailments, and tell you how to prevent your Golden from getting them.

Distemper virus
The distemper virus is an airborne disease that poses a high risk. This virus can be prevented by getting your Golden 3 different vaccinations when he is between 6 and 16 weeks of age, along with his regular annual booster shot. The symptoms from this virus include fever, cough, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your Golden Retriever has these symptoms, you should immediately take him to see the vet.

Heartworms are among the most common ailment with all dog breeds. They can reach lengths of up to 12 inches in the heart and the lung arteries, leading to heart failure, a decrease in blood circulation, and even death in some cases. The symptoms with heartworms may not appear until it is too late, so you are better off preventing them with the correct heartworm medicines.

During the summer months or hot days, your Golden Retriever can get a heatstroke. You can prevent this from happening by giving your dog plenty of water, and never leaving him in direct sunlight. If you are playing together on a hot day, you should give him plenty of time to rest so he doesn’t overdo it. The symptoms indicating a heatstroke include a lot of panting or drooling, dark gums, a glazed expression, rapid pulse, and even vomiting. If your dog starts to show any of these symptoms, you should immediately take him to the vet.

Rabies is one of the more serious ailments that your Golden Retriever can get, as it has an adverse affect on your dog’s nervous system. Normally, dogs get rabies through a bite of another animal that is infected with the disease. There are rabies shots that helps to prevent the disease, and your dog should get them at least once a year. The symptoms of rabies include seizures, aggression, and foaming at the mouth. If you suspect your Golden has rabies, you should call the vet immediately.

Tapeworms are normally caused by fleas, and affect your dog’s stomach. The symptoms for tapeworms include a loss in weight, diarrhea, and even biting of the rectal area. You can easily prevent your Golden from tapeworms by using a rigid flea control. If your Golden Retriever exhibits symptoms for tapeworms, you should take him to the vet immediately. If the vet catches them in time, he may be able to kill the tapeworms with an oral medicine.

Hookworms result from your Golden coming in contact with feces, his mother, or the worm simply burrowing under exposed skin. You can prevent your dog from getting hookworms by cleaning his living area and keeping his skin clean. The symptoms that accompany hookworms include a dry coat, weight loss, weakness, and blood in the stool. As with all other ailments, you should immediately contact your vet if your Golden Retriever starts to show any of these symptoms.

Although these are just some of the most common ailments for Golden Retrievers, there are other ailments and health problems that your dog can get. If your Golden starts to show any signs of ailment, disease, or health problem, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your vet and set up an appointment. Some of these diseases and ailments can be pretty serious - although they can be treated if you catch them in time.

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